The GCBC 2025 Research Symposium Open Day

The GCBC 2025 Research Symposium Open Day

The GCBC 2025 Research Symposium Open Day

Join us online for the GCBC Research Symposium Open Day – 4 March 2025

Each year, the GCBC hosts a research symposium focused on sharing big ideas, transformative practice, and stories of impact. This year we are inviting the entire GCBC community to be part of the Symposium by taking part in an online Open Day on Tuesday 4 March 2025 from 10:00 – 17:00 hrs, UTC.

Register to attend online via Eventbrite here.

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The Open Day programme will feature four engaging sessions featuring speakers from around the world:

  • Opening Session: Why supporting innovative research at the intersection of climate change, biodiversity loss, and poverty alleviation matters (10:00 – 11:15 GMT)
  • Panel Discussion 1: Contributing to global goals – Exploring the science behind national and global frameworks and targets (11:15 – 12:30 GMT)
  • Panel Discussion 2: Strengthening the connection between evidence and policy with a focus on practice from across the GCBC community (13:30 – 15:00 GMT)
  • Panel Discussion 3: Harnessing private sector investment in Nature-based Solutions (15:30 – 17:00 GMT)

By registering to attend online via Eventbrite you will be able to join the discussions that are most relevant to you. You do not have to register to attend specific sessions.

Join us on Tuesday 4 March for this very special online learning event.

Related events

Biodiversity for climate and social resilience: Empowerment of coastal communities in sustainable production practices in Ecuador

Country: Ecuador

Lead Partner: Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral – ESPOL

Summary: The project aims to mitigate climate change by enhancing mangrove health, reducing human impact, and increasing fishing communities’ resilience while providing fair alternative incomes. Innovative techniques/approaches are applied to improve environmental, climate and social resilience along with novel finance solutions. This involves: a) Ecosystem recovery – evaluating trophic structure recovery through habitat restoration strategies such as cultured black cockle (BC) restocking and red mangrove afforestation; b) Ecosystem protection – offering alternative livelihoods to reduce fishing pressure on natural banks by transferring technical mariculture capacities to fisher communities, along with environmental education and social empowerment for inclusive community governance systems; and c) Valorisation – internalising ecosystem services to determine real BC extraction and trade costs, and functional ecology valuation.

Communities will use key information to demand national policies to protect their territories and livelihoods.

Photograph (detail): Diego Tirira


TRIALS – Traducir la investigación en acción para los medios de subsistencia y los pastos marinos: Establecimiento de una base científica para la restauración de los pastos marinos y el potencial de carbono azul, con el desarrollo de medios de vida sostenibles para las comunidades costeras de Vietnam Central.

País: Vietnam Socio principal: WWF-Reino Unido Resumen: Este proyecto abordará las lagunas de conocimiento científico sobre el estado de las praderas marinas, su restauración y la biodiversidad marina asociada y el potencial de carbono azul en Vietnam Central. Ideará opciones de subsistencia mejoradas, sostenibles y resistentes al clima para las comunidades costeras locales, destacando los beneficios ecológicos, económicos, sociales y de resiliencia comunitaria interconectados de los ecosistemas de praderas marinas, y apoyando planes de acción y políticas basados en pruebas para la conservación de las praderas marinas y el carbono azul.