Nature based solutions for climate resilience of local and Indigenous communities in Guatemala

Country: Guatemala

Lead Partner: University of Greenwich, UK

Summary: Scientific and traditional local and Indigenous knowledge systems will be integrated in the design and assessment of nature-based solutions (NbS) to enhance their impact on the climate resilience and just wellbeing of rural communities in two regions of Guatemala.

Local and national decision-makers will use guidelines and tools that integrate local and Indigenous Peoples’ values, knowledge and culture in the co-design of NbS for landscape climate resilience.  Individual people, households and communities will be empowered to be at the centre of NbS planning and implementation through an enhanced awareness of the current and potential role of ecosystems in their lives and of the factors required for NbS to result in just and successful outcomes.

The tools and evidence from application of this approach will be made available to inform landscape resilience planning across Central America

Photograph: Arjuno3