Nature Nurture

Nature Nurture

Nature Nurture

Countries: Indonesia, Tanzania, Philippines

Delivery partner: International Institute for Environment and Development

Project summary: Working closely with smallholder farmers in Indonesia, the Philippines and Tanzania, the project will tackle agrobiodiversity loss, which reduces livelihood options and climate resilience. Using the latest research co-production methodologies, it will improve evidence on how to upscale inclusive, resilient, agrobiodiverse production systems globally. It will build locally-based, internationally-linked research networks that enhance continuous long-term learning and capacity support around best practices with smallholder producers, fostering multidisciplinary partnerships that effectively advocate for better policies, leverage public and private investments, and drive transformation in how we produce food, fuel, fibre and medicines that are good for nature, climate and livelihoods.

Multifunctional agroforestry for Ethiopia

Delivery partner: International Centre for Research in Agroforestry

Project summary: The project will generate evidence on how highland systems in Ethiopia could be improved for a more biodiverse future that supports improved livelihoods and poverty reduction. By comparing traditional and modern agroforestry systems in four regions of Ethiopia, the project will implement a suite of knowledge-based multifunctional agroforestry systems on homesteads, farmland areas, and model rural resource centres to promote uptake of multifunctional agroforestry. The project will generate scalable tools, approaches, knowledge products and capacity building for thousands of highland farmers. It will also develop a strategy, partnerships and infrastructure to lay the foundation for further land restoration, biodiversity protection, poverty alleviation, and improved ecosystem resilience.

HABITAT – Harnessing Pasture Biodiversity and Productivity

Delivery partner: Bangor University

Project summary: The highlands of Kenya comprise some of the most biodiverse regions of the world. However, these regions are under significant threat to land degradation as a result of human-induced climate change, land-use change, and the unsustainable use of the natural resources. Smallholder extensive dairy farms that rely on pastures to feed their cattle play an especially important role in these ecosystems. While these vulnerable farmers rely inextricably on the ecosystem services of the natural resources, often their management practices contribute significantly to their degradation. As identified by local stakeholders, while some research exists dedicated to understanding pasture management practices in these systems and greenhouse gas emissions, little is known about the trade-offs and synergies with biodiversity, and productivity.

By adopting a multidisciplinary approach, the project will explore existing pasture management practices, identifying ones that lead to enhanced biodiversity indicators and improved productivity, thereby decreasing GHG emission intensities, tackling poverty and enhancing climate resilience. Project partners will work with the farmers in their communities to stimulate farmer to farmer dissemination and scaling of improved practices. This will be facilitated by analyses of the potential bottlenecks and opportunities for different farming household types to use improved pasture management practices. More nuanced recommendations for stakeholders and policy makers resulting from these processes will further enable the scaling of these practices to similar contexts in the African region.


Understanding Cherangany links to human wellbeing

Delivery Partner: Nature Kenya

Summary: The aim is to promote positive long-term impacts for biodiversity, poverty alleviation and ecosystem resilience to climate change in the Cherangany forest landscape. The question is “How can natural resources in Cherangany Hills Forests be used in a way and at a rate that maintains and enhances the biodiversity they harbor, the resilience of key habitats or ecosystems and the benefits they provide in the light of projected climate changes? The hypothesis is that “Understanding the levers for linking forests and biodiversity with human well-being and climate resilience in Cherangany forests will provide the foundation for future sustainable natural resource management.

The project targets research and development of solutions which will be applied by national and county governments, local communities and conservation agencies and actors to protect and sustainably use biological diversity for climate adaptation and mitigation, as well as supporting and improving livelihoods through climate smart agriculture and natural resources management. The aim is achieved by generating evidence and understanding in key forest, biodiversity, climate and human well-being interrelated output areas as follows: Ecosystem Services Assessment of the Cherangany forest landscape; Restoration Opportunity Assessment and Mapping (ROAM) of the Cherangany forest landscape; Cherangany Forest Restoration Business case; Ecosystem Based Adaptation Strategy and action plan; and Participatory Forest Management Plans implemented by community forest associations. These knowledge products will be published and disseminated widely to promote their implementation through financing from all sources.

The research work will be led by Nature Kenya as the lead applicant coordinating a research partnership composed of National Museums of Kenya (Biodiversity), Kenya Forestry Research Institute (Social forestry); Kenyatta University (Ecosystem Services and ROAM) and the Kenya Forest Service (Participatory forest management). The delivery of the planned outputs is aligned with the GCBC long-term outcome of increased implementation of public/private investment in more effective climate resilient development via the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. This will result in the overall impact on biodiversity, poverty alleviation and improved ecosystem resilience.

Building adaptive fisheries governance capacity

Countries: Uganda, Malawi

Delivery Partner: University of Birmingham

Summary: This research will deliver positive impacts on biodiversity, poverty alleviation and improved ecosystem resilience through strengthening the adaptive governance capacity of inland fisheries in Malawi and Uganda. The research will take a transdisciplinary co-production approach, working closely with the departments of fisheries, NGOs and local communities in all activities, and facilitate South-South learning. The project will include assessment of adaptive governance capacity at national, district and community levels, studies on information generation and changing fishing practices, and learning from action research involving pilot biodiversity protection interventions and network meetings. New evidence will be generated and plans for adaptive governance developed.

Resource management of Madagascar’s grasslands

Country: Madagascar

Delivery Partner:  Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Summary: Employing data-driven strategies, we will transform perceptions of Madagascar’s grasslands from barren wastelands to valuable biodiversity rich ecological assets that can support human livelihoods and carbon sequestration. We will enable sustainable reforestation by identifying optimal locations that enrich ecosystems and safeguard local livelihoods. Our vision is to redefine the intersection of reforestation and grassland preservation, fostering an understanding of these ecosystems’ critical role, promoting local prosperity, and strengthening Madagascar’s resilience to climate change.

Following the Water

Delivery Partner:The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust

Summary: Participatory research to understand drivers and nature-based solutions to wetland degradation in Madagascar. This project focuses on the theme of ‘water’ using interdisciplinary and participatory research to understand drivers and solutions to wetland degradation in Madagascar. It will trace flows of water (considering quality and quantity) through social, ecological and biophysical elements of wetlands, building a holistic understanding of these complex systems. Then co-producing, with communities, interventions to address key drivers of wetland degradation and poverty, considering transformational adaptation to climate change. This project builds on years of relationship building with wetland communities and partners, centring local land-based knowledges and providing actionable recommendations on scaling these approaches to other wetland sites across Madagascar.

The Flourishing Landscapes Programme

Countries: Ecuador, Ghana, Vietnam

Delivery Partner: University of Oxford

Summary: The Flourishing Landscapes Programme (FLP) addresses the triple challenge of livelihoods, climate change, and biodiversity loss at tropical forest frontiers. It will develop novel landscape-scale transdisciplinary research, via a new network of scientists and practitioners, to investigate strategies to both biodiversity and the climate resilience of smallholder farmers. By investigating agroforestry and community-led reforestation as nature-based solutions (NbS), the FLP addresses key knowledge gaps regarding the role of biodiversity in maximising nature’s contributions to people (NCPs) in agricultural landscapes. Building on this, via a human-centred design approach applied in Ghana, Ecuador and Viet Nam in coffee and cocoa production landscapes, the FLP will co-design, with rural communities, a citizen-led biodiversity monitoring toolkit to empower communities to utilise adaptive management to harness NCPs in their production. To showcase the value of the research data sets and citizen-science approaches, we will lead a co-design process with farmers, value chain actors and the insurance industry to explore risk sharing mechanisms that incentivise value chain investments in nature.


The GCBC Research Grant Competition 2 (RGC2) is now officially open for applications!

The Global Centre on Biodiversity for Climate (GCBC) is a UK Official Development Assistance (ODA) programme that funds research into nature-based solutions to climate change and poverty reduction.

We are pleased to announce the official launch of the GCBC second Research Grant Competition (RGC2)!

Theme – Unlocking Nature: Driving innovation in how biodiversity can support climate resilience and sustainable livelihoods through practice and governance

For this call, we are looking for project concepts with a total budget between £100k and £1m (GBP) and a duration of 12 – 36 months, commencing from November 1, 2024. There is scope for different sizes (£100k-£250k; £250k-£500k; £500-£750k; £750-£1m) depending on the type or nature of the research to be funded. This will range from the smaller desk-based and locally focused projects to larger initiatives with research replicated in different localities/ countries and upscaling/ replicating proven solutions in an innovative approach.

GCBC invites project concept submissions that focus their research at the intersection of the GCBC’s three focus areas:

  • Climate change
  • Livelihoods and poverty alleviation
  • Biodiversity

The call will fund a portfolio of projects in ODA-eligible countries in the programme’s three focus regions (Latin America and the Caribbean, Southeast Asia and Pacific, and Sub-Saharan Africa), including Small Island Developing States (SIDS); which address the evidence gaps and from which the learning, solutions, tools, and methodology can be upscaled and replicated in other regions or countries.

We are looking for submissions that include novel and innovative approaches and project proposals relevant to the overarching theme and related sub-themes. View the Theme Paper

Throughout the application period, potential applicants are invited to join our informative webinars.

Register here for our next webinar

Applications are now officially open! The closing date for receipt of applications for Stage 1 is 17:00hrs GMT on March 17th, 2024.

Apply Now

Related resources:

Theme paper: This paper sets out the rationale and background for the theme of the second GCBC Research Grant Competition (RGC2) and the sub-themes where there are opportunities for interventions, that can make a difference in applying a systems approach. View the Theme Paper

Research strategy: This Research Strategy sets out the vision through the theory of change and ambition for a systems approach (Section 2) for the GCBC programme to ensure that new scientific evidence, knowledge and partnerships developed support the poor directly or indirectly, with improved livelihoods and resilience to climate change, while sustainably managing and using biodiversity. View the Research Strategy

RGC2 Stage 1 – ITA Overview: Download here

Project Concept Note Form (offline copy): Download here

GCBC Privacy Policy: Download here

RGC2 List of Eligible Countries: Download here

Webinar resources:

Webinar 1: Introducing the RGC2 theme (January 22, 29)

Download the webinar recording here

Download the slide deck here

Webinar 2: Walkthrough the RGC2 concept note, application process, & e-platform (February 5)

Download the webinar recording here

Download the slide deck here

Webinar 3: Partnerships (February 21)

Download the slide deck here 






Working Together for a Pollution Free Future for Nature, Climate and People (Environmental Pollution Programme)

Countries: Vietnam, South Africa

Partners: Vietnam project: The Global Alliance on Health and Pollution (GAHP), Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources, Environment Together, Department of Natural Resources and Environment of An Giang Province, Institute of Agricultural Environment (Hanoi); South Africa project: JNCC, Institute of Natural Resources, Durban University of Technology, University of Kwazulu-Natal, Rhodes University

Summary: The Environmental Pollution programme aims to reduce biodiversity loss, climate change and human health impacts by tackling pollution and its effects in low- and middle-income countries. During Phase One of the GCBC, this work took place across two separate projects that focused on different pollution issues in their country of operation, Vietnam and South Africa.

Related links: Environmental Pollution Programme | JNCC – Adviser to Government on Nature Conservation